EVs – the problem and the opportunity

The ICE emit poisonous chemicals which are harmful to our planet and our people.

The problem is that we can't generally see these poisons, but they are here with us right now. If You could it would look like this

ICE vehicles are powered by controlled explosions in a confined space, when a car is powered at 6000 RPM that represents 12000 explosions in one minute, or 200 per second in a typical 4 cylinder engine, in a V8 that number doubles to 400 per second.  There is no smoke without fire or indeed fire without smoke  and those explosions emit noxious and dangerous gases from the exhaust pipe. A situation the world has lived with for over 200 years, largely because there was no viable alternative. At least there was no more horse crap to clean away-which was visible unlike these pollutants.

There are 1.2 Billion cars in use world wide today and projected to be 2 Billion within a short 17 years.  By 2035 that would be 400 Billion Explosions per second worldwide.

The Chemicals emitted by ICE Engines include, to varying degrees but are not limited to:

Carbon Dioxide
Particulate Matter (soot)
Nitrogen Oxide
Nitrogen dioxide
Sulphur Monoxide
Sulphur Dioxide

Acid rain created by sulphur emissions.

These Pollutants are increasingly being associated with illnesses including asthma, lung cancer, cardiovascular issues and premature death


Infection & Death?………..Absolutely

Global Warming? ……….. .Oh Yes

Engines Idling in Cities ?…Much Much More concentrated pollution.

So Do: France, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway and India.


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